Java Modbus Class Members

public class Modbus

Modbus class implements a subset of modbus protocol functions.

One important comment about these functions is that all functions use a zero based index for address. For instance, if you want to set the register 40001 (4x) using PresetSingleRegister function you set the parameter nRegister equal to 0.

Connection Methods:

openConnection - open a connection with a slave device.

CloseConnection - close a connection with a slave device.


Connection Properties:

Host - Host name

Port - IP Port

ReconnectOnEveryMessage - when this property is true each call to a modbus function call openConnection before sending a query and close the connection after response was received.


Modbus Methods :

ReadOutputRegisters Reads the holding registers (4x references).

ReadInputRegisters Reads the input registers (3X references).

ReadOutputStatus Reads the discrete outputs (0x references, coils).

ReadInputStatus Reads the discrete inputs (1x references, coils).

PresetSingleRegister Presets a single holding register (4x reference)

ForceSingleCoil Forces a single coil (0x reference) to either True or False (On/Off).

PresetMultipleRegisters Presets multiple holding registers (4x reference)

ForceMultipleCoils Forces multiple coils(0x reference) to either True or False (On/Off).

ErrorMessage Return string description of an error code.

TxRxMessage pure virtual function that must be implemented in derived classes and actually send message to the network.


Retries number of times the message is sent to a slave before the function return an error code.

ThrowException When this property is TRUE, the CModbus class functions throw ModbusException instead of returning an error code.



public boolean openConnection(String host, int port, int iTimeOut)

Return Value

true if the open was successful; otherwise false.


host - Host name, IP ( or name ( format.

port - IP port. Open Modbus protocol use port 502, but you can use another port if you wish.

iTimeOut - Time out in ms used for sending modbus messages to a slave.


This function try to connect with a slave using TCP/IP network. When ReconnectOnEveryMessage is true this function is called before sending a query to the slave, otherwise the connection remains opened until is explicit closed by closeconnection or by class destructor. Instead of using function parameters you can use class properties for seting sHost , nPort and dwTimeOut.


    String sServer;
    Modbus objModbus = new Modbus();

    //Make a connection
    sServer = "";
    System.out.println("connecting with Server:"+ sServer );

    if (!objModbus.openConnection(sServer,502,5000)){
            System.out.println("openConnection Failed");



public void closeConnection()

Return Value



Closes an the connection associated with this object. If ReconnectOnEveryMessage is true  this function is called after the response from a slave was received.



public void Port(int iPort)
void Port(WORD wPort);


Get/Set IP port. Open modbus protocol use port 502 as a default.


public String Host()
public void Host(String sHost)


Get/Set Host name. Can be numeric IP format like 198.345.125.30 or a name like


public void ReConnectOnEveryMessage(boolean bReConnectOnEveryMessage)
public boolean ReConnectOnEveryMessage()


When this property is true each call to a modbus function call openConnection before sending a query and close the connection after response was received. Making this property as true can save some resources from the server or slave because there is limit of connections that a server can manage simultaneously, but the communication will be slower because opening a connection can take good amount of time.

See also: openConnection,CloseConnection.



public short ReadOutputRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , short anRegValues[])

public short ReadOutputRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , int aiRegValues[])

public short ReadOutputRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , float afRegValues[], int nRealType )

public short ReadOutputRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , double adRegValues[], int nRealType )

Return Value

An error code if the function failed or ERR_OK if succeed. Use ErrorMessage to return a error description.


nAddr - Slave Address

nDataStart - Starting Address

nQtd - number of registers to read . When reading 1 float number you are actually reading 2 registers and 1 double means 4 registers.

aiRegValues - array with registers read.

nRealType - inverse the order of registers when reading real number Modbus.REAL_NORMAL (not reversed) Modbus.REAL_REVERSE (reverse order)


This function reads the holding registers (4x references), the first register 40001 is 0, second 40002 is 1 and so on. The array aiRegValues[]  returns the registers on  (unsigned 16 bit integer) format. The second form is  intended for devices that use signed integers. The last two forms of this function are used for interpret modbus registers as IEEE floating point numbers. Single precision number (float) has 4 bytes , then we need 2 consecutive registers to form a float number. Another thing we have consider is that not all slaves split the float number in the same manner then you can use wRealType parameter as REAL_REVERSE to change the order the 2 consecutive registers to see if the float number is interpreted correctly. The same explanation is valid for double precision numbers , but now we need 4 registers instead of 2 to form a number.


    //Reads 40108 ...40110 registers from slave 17

     int aiRegValues[];
     short  nQnt;
     short nErr;
     nQnt = (short)3;
     aiRegValues = new int[nQnt];
     nErr = objModbus.ReadOutputRegisters((short)17,(int)17 ,nQnt,(short),aiRegValues);

    if (nErr!=Modbus.ERR_OK) {

        System.out.println("Error Reading Output Registers");

        for (i=0;i<nQnt;i++) {


See also: ModbusException , Error Codes .



public short ReadInputRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , short anRegValues[])

public short ReadInputRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , int aiRegValues[])

public short ReadInputRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , float afRegValues[], int nRealType )

public short ReadInputRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , double adRegValues[], int nRealType )


Return Value

A error code if the function failed or Modbus.ERR_OK if succeed. Use ErrorMessage to return a error description.


nAddr - Slave Address

nDataStart - Starting Address

nQtd - number of registers to read.When reading 1 float number you are actually reading 2 registers and 1 double means 4 registers.

anRegValues - array with registers read.

wRealType - inverse the order of registers when reading real number REAL_NORMAL (not reversed) REAL_REVERSE (reverse order).


This function reads the input registers (3x references), the first register 30001 is 0, second 30002 is 1 and so on.The array aiRegValues[] return the registers   as 16 bit unsigned   integer numbers. The array  anRegValues[] is   intended for devices that use signed integers. The last two forms of this function are used to interpret modbus registers as IEEE floating point numbers. Single precision number (float) has 4 bytes , then we need 2 consecutive registers to form a float number. Another thing we have consider is that not all slaves split the float number in the same manner then you can use wRealType parameter as Modbus.REAL_REVERSE to change the order the 2 consecutive registers to see if the float number is interpreted correctly. The same explanation is valid for double precision numbers , but now we need 4 registers instead of 2 to form a number.


     ///Reads 30009 register from slave 17

     int aiRegValues[];
     short  nQnt;
     short nErr;
     nQnt = (short)1;
     aiRegValues = new int[nQnt];
     nErr = objModbus.ReadInputRegisters((short)17,(int)8 ,nQnt,(short),aiRegValues);

    if (nErr!=Modbus.ERR_OK) {

        System.out.println("Error Reading Output Registers");

     for (i=0;i<nQnt;i++) {

See also: ModbusException , Error Codes .



public short ReadOutputStatus(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , boolean abCoilValues[])

Return Value

A error code if the function failed or Modbus.ERR_OK if succeed. Use ErrorMessage to return a error description.


nAddr - Slave Address

nDataStart - Starting Address

nQtd - number of registers to read

abCoilValues - array with coils read.


Reads the status of discrete outputs (0x references, coils) in the slave, the first coil 00001 is 0, second 00002 is 1 and so on. The array  abCoilValues return the coil on boolean format (true - On , false - Off).


  //Reads coils 00020 ... 0056 from slave 17
  //abCoils(0) is 00020 , abCoils(0) is 00021 ...

   short  nQnt;
  short nErr;
  nQnt = (short)37;
  boolean[] abCoils;

  abCoils = new boolean[nQnt];

  nErr = objModbus.ReadOutputStatus((short)17,19 ,nQnt, abCoils);

  if (nErr!=Modbus.ERR_OK) {

        System.out.println("Error Reading Output status");

    for (i=0;i<nQnt;i++) {

See also: ModbusException , Error Codes .



WORD ReadOutputStatus( WORD nAddr, WORD nDataStart ,WORD nQtd ,CByteArray& anRegValues);


Return Value

A error code if the function failed or Modbus.ERR_OK if succeed. Use ErrorMessage to return a error description.


nAddr - Slave Address

nDataStart - Starting Address

nQtd - number of registers to read

anRegValues - array with registers read.


Reads the status of discrete inputs (1x references) in the slave, the first input 10001 is 0, second 10002 is 1 and so on. CByteArray return the input on BOOL format (TRUE - On , FALSE - Off).


//Reads inputs 10197 ... 10218 from slave 17
//abCoils(0) is 10197 , abCoils(0) is 10198 ...

  short  nQnt;
  short nErr;
  nQnt = (short)22;
  boolean[] abCoils;

  abCoils = new boolean[nQnt];

  nErr = objModbus.ReadInputStatus((short)17,196 ,nQnt, abCoils);

  if (nErr!=Modbus.ERR_OK) {

        System.out.println("Error Reading Input status");

    for (i=0;i<nQnt;i++) {


See also: ModbusException , Error Codes .


public short PresetSingleRegister(short nAddr, int nRegister , short nRegValue)

public short PresetSingleRegister(short nAddr, int nRegister , int iRegValue)

public short PresetSingleRegister(short nAddr, int nRegister ,float fRegValue,int nRealType)

public short PresetSingleRegister(short nAddr, int nRegister ,double dRegValue,int nRealType)

Return Value

A error code if the function failed or Modbus.ERR_OK if succeed. Use ErrorMessage to return an error description.


nAddr - Slave Address

nRegister - Register Address

nRegValue - Preset Data

wRealType - inverse the order of registers when reading real number REAL_NORMAL (not reversed) REAL_REVERSE (reverse order).


Presets a single holding register (4x reference). , the first register 40001 is 0, second 40002 is 1 and so on. When the data is a float number you are actually setting 2 registers and with a double number 4 registers are set.


short  nError;

nErr = objModbus.PresetSingleRegister((short)17,(int)1,(double)3);  //preset register 40002 to 03 in slave device 17

See also: ModbusException , Error Codes ,PresetMultipleRegisters ,ReadOutputRegisters


    public short ForceSingleCoil(short nAddr, int nRegister, boolean bCoilValue)

Return Value

An error code if the function failed or Modbus.ERR_OK if succeed. Use ErrorMessage to return an error description.


nAddr - Slave Address

nCoil - Coil Address

bCoilValue - Force Data - true (ON) , false (OFF).


Force a single Coil (0x reference) , the first coil 00001 is 0, second 00002 is 1 and so on.


short wError;
wError = objModbus.ForceSingleCoil((short)17,172,true) ; //force coil 173 ON in slave device 17

See also: ModbusException , Error Codes ,PresetMultipleRegisters


public short PresetMultipleRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , short anRegValues[])

public short PresetMultipleRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , int aiRegValues[])

public short PresetMultipleRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , float afRegValues[],int nRealType)

public short PresetMultipleRegisters(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , double adRegValues[],int nRealType)

Return Value

Error code if the function failed or Modbus.ERR_OK if succeed. Use ErrorMessage to return an error description.


nAddr - Slave Address

nDataStart - Starting Address

nQtd - number of registers to set. When setting 1 float number you are actually setting 2 registers and 1 double means 4 registers.

anRegValues - Presets values Data

wRealType - inverse the order of registers when reading real number REAL_NORMAL (not reversed) REAL_REVERSE (reverse order).


Presets values of holding registers (4x references) , the first register 40001 is 0, second 40002 is 1 and so on. When the data is a float number you are actually setting 2 registers and with a double number 4 registers are set.


short nError;
int aiRegs[];

//preset two registers starting at 40002 to 000A and 0102 hex, in slave device 17.

aiRegs=new int[2]

nErr = objModbus.PresetMultipleRegisters((short)17,1 ,(short)2 ,aiRegs);
if (nErr!=Modbus.ERR_OK) {
        System.out.println("Error setting   Registers");

See also: ModbusException , Error Codes ,PresetSingleRegister



    public short ForceMultipleCoils(short nAddr, int nDataStart , short nQtd , boolean abCoilValues[])

Return Value

Error code if the function failed or Modbus.ERR_OK if succeed. Use ErrorMessage to return an error description.


nAddr - Slave Address

nDataStart - Starting Address

nQtd - number of registers to read

abCoilValues - Force values Data true (ON) , false (OFF).


Force values of coils (0x references). , the first coil 00001 is 0, second 00002 is 1 and so on.


short nError;
boolean anCoils[];

//force a series of 2 coils starting at coil 00020 in slave device 17.

anCoils= new boolean[2]

anCoils(0)=true; //ON

nError = objModbus.ForceMultipleCoils((short)17,19,(short)2,anCoils) ;

See also: ModbusException , Error Codes ,ForceSingleCoil



public String ErrorMessage(int iErrorNumber) {

Return Value

String message with error description.


iErrorCode - An Error code returned by CModbus class function.


The return string is empty if the wErrorCode is not found.

See also: ModbusException , Error Codes


public int Retries()
public void Retries(int iRetries);


Get/Set number of times the message is sent to a slave before the function return an error code. For instance,

if Retries() = 3 , when a messages is sent to a device and occur an error, that message will be sent again more 2 times.



public boolean ThrowCommException()

public void ThrowCommException(boolean bThrow)

void ThrowException(BOOL bThrow);


When this property is true, the Modbus class functions throw ModbusException instead of returning an error code. By Default this property is false.



try {

//It's not needed to verify each call for errors

objModbus.ForceSingleCoil((short)17,172,true) ; //force coil 173 ON in slave device 17
objModbus.PresetSingleRegister((short)17,1,3) ; //preset register 40002 to 03 in slave device 17


catch(ModbusException e) {


See also: ModbusException