Modbus Automation Server Installation
There is no installation setup with this server , but it's not very difficult to install.
System and Files Requirements:
This software was tested with win95 and NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4.0.
You need to install DCOM95 to work with win95 , download from Microsoft DCOM for Windows 9X
MFC and ATL Run-Time Files :
You can download these files from You do not need this files if you install Visual Studio 6.0 with the latest service pack.
Files Included with the server:
MBServer.exe - ActiveX server executable.
ModbusServer.tlb - Type Library with server component information.
Modbucfg.exe - Client test application
Modbus Server Installation
You can uninstall the MBServer.exe typing MBServer.exe /UnregServer to remove the registry entry and delete the directory where you extract the files. The run-time files should not be uninstalled because many programs use MFC run-time files.